On 09/05/2016 10:21 PM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 08:00:04PM -0700, Razer wrote:
A friend of mine about her four year old:
"My daughter was doing a little song and dance this morning and was really boogieing down. She paused for a second and said,"I'm buffering"
Very similar in Bulgaria. Children start using tablets and/or smartphones at age 3-5. They can't read. Click on warnings/dialogs just to get rid of them, in hard situations they ask olders or rarely reset the "box". Very likely their "boxen" are full of malware.
Saw a child about 6-7 yro doing voice google search. The child talked like to human, short of starting the search with "dear google".
My mistake about her age... 5. Her mom does allow her to use the desktop, with supervision. She picked up the word because she lives in the mountains (near Corralitos btw), the internet is gleaned from the main house a few hundred feet away over a wireless connection,and mom and her watch too much netflix... Buffering. Rr