Good one zeeeeeeeerenan -

-------- Original Message --------
On May 31, 2019, 5:13 PM, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:

Zerowedgie schlichs it again :)

Gen-me says I want, I have, and all responsibility is a problem for
another day.

Reality catches up eventually, and perhaps some time in the next year
or so, a very very big reality is about to catch many millenials by
the short or shaved.

Kurt Schlichter has a speedy and ready solution to student debt.

The real problem is of course entitlement breeding, but that great
depression is for another, soon to come, day.

Create your world yo :)

Schlichter: Dear Students, Here's A Plan To Solve Your Debt Problem

So, you’re a barista with a problem – you took out $200K student
loans to get that master’s degree from Gumbo State in “LGBTQ2#v&
Experiences as Reflected in 17th Century Bolivian Folk Songs” and
now you can’t find an uncaffeinated career.

Worse, those fascist monsters who you took money from based on your
agreement to pay it back with interest now expect you to pay the
money back with interest despite the fact that you really don’t
feel like it anymore.

Well, I have a fresh solution to this crisis.

It’s an innovative strategy that totally and permanently resolves
this problem in a new and exciting way.


Here goes.
How about you pay your own student debt?

That’s it. It’s as elegant as it is simple. You. Pay. Your. Own.

If you follow this bold, one-step program – the one step is you
paying your debts – then you will eventually be debt-free. And best
of all, I won’t have to pay any of your debts.

See, a lot of Democrat politicians are promising “free college,”
but what they really mean is “free for you.” Someone has to pay,
and that someone is me, and I need to level with you.

I am not interested in paying for your college.

Now, some may call me “greedy” or “selfish” for not wishing to work
and then have the money I earned taken from me to provide things to
you that you want but did not pay for instead of being able to
spend it – the “it” being the money I earned – on things that I
want. I am okay with that. I would much prefer having people who
fundamentally misunderstand the concepts of greed and selfishness
call me “greedy” and “selfish” than subsidize their educations,
educations that evidently did not include learning about basic
concepts like greed and selfishness.

I understand that your priorities for my money may differ from
mine, but it being my money, my priorities should take precedence.
Here is a short, partial list of things that I prioritize for my
money over paying off your student loan debts:

1. A lease on a sweet German sedan

2. A delicious tri-tip sandwich

3. A walk-in humidor

4. Guns and ammo

5. A pedicure for my wife

6. A pedicure for me

7. A pedicure for my fat corgi Bitey

8. Literally anything else but your student loan debt

Now, those who support the idea of taking my money to give it to
someone else so that someone else can have things he, she or xe
wants rarely put it so bluntly. It’s never, “Well, I want this
education but I don’t want to do the things necessary to pay for
it. I want you other people to do the things necessary to pay for
it.” Instead, it’s always put in some other way that makes them
taking our money to spend on things they want appear as a favor to
us, the people expected to do the work.