On 3/21/16, The Doctor <drwho@virtadpt.net> wrote:
On Sun, 20 Mar 2016 21:26:52 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
If these seemingly principled battles grow, expect corps to be going in deep on candidates with their own SSBI-like anal probes.
They already have what amounts to an internal counter-intelligence unit that occasionally runs mole hunts looking for employees that leak information on upcoming products or projects to the news media. I'm kind of surprised they're not doing this already.
Maybe before Snowden corps never thought govts would be in heavy conflict with the corp-customer relationship, essentially attacking one of its essential foundations... crypto, (others being features, price, usability, apps, brand, quality, etc). ie: Previously known govt activities were relagated to tax / structure / employment / trade / safety regulation etc which didn't directly impact users. Too bad corps were just starting to recognize advertise and capitilize on the crypto relationship, with market / user awareness results starting to develop. Which is why Apple must win and be given every possible support from everyone in doing so... to reject clipper v2 forever.