On 2/6/21, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Creating agorist or what have you communities, requires intention, networking in real life, and action and persistence over time.
I'm worried about Cecilia, Zenaan. She seems more steady than I or you. Why do you mention intentional communities? These places are wonderful, of course. You can make them much faster using the income cryptocurrency provides, but I'm not sure why you mention them.
The time to start is whenever you choose to start.
Your life is needed _now_, sir.
Folks want everything handed to them. That's dysfunctional, so start with a better program, right now.
The people who say it's dysfunctional are the people who are stimulating the random weird needs via advertisement and such. You deserve utopia simply because it is easy to provide. People harm others less when things are easy. We need to pair that ease with wise teaching of contribution, respect, humility, or whatever your various tenets say.
Robotics is coming - along with either UBI or some new concept which may even do away with that.
We already have both of those pretty ubiquitously as e.g. cars and cellphones. The new concept is that your neurons can be programmed like a computer via your cellphone or what have you, even with ad-hoc networking. You didn't want to know.
In the mean time, find actual real life folks you want to be around, and create something.
YES. PLEASE. And we need help, desperately. In InterOccupy, we used to have communication channels between all the global communities in self-organised hubs.
Or don't - but perhaps in that case don't complain...
There are folks all zinging and finding one another, collating all sorts of info - happening now, every moment on TG and elsewhere. Find them. Comm with them.
Where? Where?
Create your world.
I can't! It's too busy creating me! But yes, please. With everyone you meet.
If any topic important to you is challenging, feel free to ask either publicly here or elsewhere, or on a e.g. TG group, or e.g. in "private" one on one with someone you feel may be useful to help you clarify your own thoughts, fears, whatever (e.g., you may email me any time, and most folks in my experience are happy to 'chat' if you hit them up with an email - quite a few folks have helped me here and there, thank you, you know who you are... it always means a lot to me).
I know how to solve all problems, but I have been enslaved to prevent this. I know others with this attribute. Who can I talk to resolve this? One of my influences wants to make a quick deep-listening public hyperintelligence to solve everything all at once. We don't know the normal machine-learning terms to describe the parts of this, to do it in a way others understand and accept. Do you know where I can contribute to work in recursive code generation? Why the fuck are our communications being inhibited? Why the fuck are we arguing and getting confused instead of using a quick Consensus process?
Here's a random question which arose in a conversation a couple weeks back:
What is the "age of consent"?
All ages. If you disagree, that is when we both learn about each other. If there is time pressure, then somebody experienced is drawn upon to handle the situation. You need enough diversity of people involved that all present vulnerable people are protected by those who care about them. Unless you mean sexual predation, in which case it is only legal to unwisely have sex with people who falsely state it is okay to do so if they are over 18 years old in my country.
Initially it appears as a statute costructed by 'elected' 'officials', with social foundations 'apparently relevant to our general community/ society'.
Dude, sexual 'age of consent' is just a stop-gap measure to reduce rape. We're expected to actually pay attention. <snip>
Is it useful to our broader community to separate some of these concepts?
One we can actually talk productively with, yeah!
Should we oppose Satanic child-torturing cannibals?
Let's separate those mixed-together topics and oppose the behaviors rather than the people, to deter harmful rumouring.
I tell you this: I'm ... hanging ... on Sunday's Superbowl puppy show…
Some people are just ... dying ... to be part of it.
Nothing quite like putting your ... neck out ... for Satan.
What would a good therapist say about what you say here? Re: murder. We have a lot of it and need to talk _clearly_ and _productively_ about stopping it, not spread fear around individual cases. We need to protect foremost the people who are somehow involved in supporting actual help.
What goes around comes around, and I don't know the exact sequence of God's plan, but the Earth has been shaking here and there - something Biblical is literally afoot.
Here's an idea: what people learn about combines into action supporting their values, and that stimulates more spread of information and learning. God writes their plan on our bodies, cultures, and planet, all day, all millenia. I'm too stressed to share my part of the reference you have, but obviously we need to grow caring respect for each other urgently. If some are left out, the missing part is called awareness, pretty frustrated it's always suppressed.
Any interesting phenomena you notice in the sky, whip out your phone camera and film it - sometimes your camera will pick up things just outside visible spectrum, plus you can zoom in after the fact.
Interesting phenomena occur everywhere, not just in the sky.
Enjoy the show ;)
This is not a show, it is your future, by your hand and our hand, together.
Good luck and God speed,
[robotic hug salute !] I'm worried about Cecilia. I have a little ability to protect, but not very reliably.
On Fri, Feb 05, 2021 at 02:53:18PM -0600, \0xDynamite wrote:
Slavery isn't gone in America. Everyone has to pay someone to live now, practically speaking.
On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 2:50 PM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Juan, you don't mean these things you say here.
You don't have to say them in this thread.