Boss is sitting on a street corner, holding a teddy bear with a pacifier in his mouth, bawling and bawling and bawling.
On the other side of the street is a BossCorp Corner Store, completely engulfed in flame. People are running amock wearing medical masks, yelling slogans like "I'm not so sure about Boss!" and "There are weapons corporations a little better than Well-Respected Psionic Weaponry Corporation!"
Boss sobs and sobs and sobs.
An economist cleanup worker who has been mostly turned into a robot comes over to console Boss.
Boss [sucking on pacifier, holding teddy bear tightly]: "These plebs don't love me. They don't love my businesses. They don't love covering up my crimes. I don't know what to do." Boss sobs and sobs and sobs!
Economist: "It's okay. We'll get through this. Things will get better."
Boss keeps sobbing and the economist holds him, rocking him while singing a lullaby.
Street rioter: "Sometimes I think of other businesses and other billionaires!"
Boss sobs and sobs and the economist holds him.
Economist: "Lullaby, lullaby, all these things will get better. Lullaby, lullaby, wait on the morrow moon."
Street rioter: "Occasionally I want to make things myself rather than buy them from Boss!"