On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 6:24 PM juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 00:50:47 +0000 Sean Lynch <seanl@literati.org> wrote:
Data mining and throwing people in jail for "precrimes" using parallel construction to back-construct a plausible evidence trail is already commonplace. It's more than a little silly that it's "feminazis" that juan and his ilk
Who/what is my 'ilk'? You for instance are the typical fake 'libertarian' (i.e. apologiist of big, corrupt business) with the twist that you are also a lackey of left wing fascists like the feminazis. No need for 'scare quotes' - feminazi means means feminazi.
You are of course pretty 'normal'...that is well adapted to an enviroment of psychos.
are afraid of when people are being entrapped and imprisoned right now for having beliefs many of us on this list share,
Evidence? Or you know because that's what google does 'for a living'?
You don't read the news? FBI is arresting people every week for some new trumped up "terror" plot that turns out to have been invented by one of their own undercover agents. Their MO is to find someone venting online, approach them, suggest something illegal, then arrest them when they do something in furtherance of that illegal act, which works even if the thing they did isn't actually illegal, because all that has to exist for "conspiracy" charges is to be documented to have the plan (which the conversation with the agent is enough evidence for) and to take some action in furtherance of that plan. https://theintercept.com/2015/02/26/fbi-manufacture-plots-terrorism-isis-gra... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/21/government-agents-directly-inv... http://www.salon.com/2010/11/28/fbi_8/ http://www.businessinsider.com/the-fbi-hatched-some-crazy-terror-plots-2013-...
just because they got fooled into taking some tiny step in the direction of some illegal means of doing something about it (i.e. the crime of "conspiracy").