Proceeding with novel comsec investigations, the New Yorker this week has an article on plant communication and intelligence and how they differ from those of animals. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/12/23/131223fa_fact_pollan Plant signaling with chemical emissions was intriguing, as were signals sent through proxies such as insects. Plant perception of hazards, sensing sources of water, light, air, nutrients, kin, enemies is suggestive for veggie comsec. And all this is based on being tethered to the ground, immobile thus having to do what animals do by different means, barely perceptible to animals, slow moving, but effective in competing with other plants as well as animals. Darwin wrote the seminal work, but current scientists are deeply involved in what some call "neurobiology" in which brain-like activites are accomplished by vegetable swarms of signals and networks without animal brains. Albeit root stems searching for water and nutrients appear to behave like brains below ground, while veggie sex occurs above ground. This raises the prospect of using plant capabilities in emissions of chemicals and finding nutrients in signaling, SIGINT, comsec, infosec and crypto. Has anyone seen reports on this? Or on chemical transceiving for comsec? Public key as a plant with unique biological identity which absorbs or emits decrypt signal? The use of insect and chemical proxies? An amusing account is that of a CIA polygrapher claiming to exchage signals with plants, discovered by hooking up a polygraph to them. He said he could just think of burning a nearby plant for the plant to initiate defenses. His claims were later discounted but remind of the long-running mind control research by US and Russia. And the unkillable kudzu of lie detectors.