your claim that DE, JP, CN are the legit low base numbers,
yes they are.
Which again invalidates your argument proofs... they can't be the actual low base since VN is comparatively and conveniently even lower. Perhaps you were rage-agent-foaming at the mouth too much to think to pick that lower example to argue an easier defense from, using exactly your low base logic.
governmetns are lying?
You just discovered this thing about them?, wow! tell us more. Still doesn't really help your arguments as to non or irrelevant physical existance / effects.
Even you said Corona was within random flus of 2018, but that's still not direct support re denial of physical existance / effects. And wk 15 and 45, are in similar times as some global statistical Corona deaths peaks. "you: German govt started lying" so indeed DE's Govt fraud and different DE Govts methodologies and scaling must applies to their own charts you quote. Maybe fraudulent Germany wanted to look really good to the world get more power authority that way (nice advert for authority of the DE Govt [charts] you just made for them), maybe Merkel wanted to suck and thank Putin's poronga for Gazprom's pipes, and for Soviet VECTOR vaccines, so Germany lied to be among lowest Corona with the rest of the lying commies as PSYOPS against your bigger US fraudsters, or something. If people wanted to actually prove non-existance they might compare DNA sequenced of persons taken before and after a supposed Corona illness, look for new virus inside. Lots of medical conditions and research studies might still have that before picture available. But who is doing that comparison, finding those papers, you? Then also drink a bowl of Bat Soup to test if you get ill and or have similar DNA invasion. But who drank that, you? Any physical existance and effects are one thing. But insane Government propaganda FUD and saviour power grab about it are all a totally separate and easily provable big level. No sane person would deny fact of the latter. Few might deny the former at this time, but that is no matter... as regardless it is the latter that remains worse than even 1918 virus, than even dinosaur killing asteroid.