On 11/08/2017 05:14 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
On 11/07/2017 11:57 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Conspiracy Theories, guys! ;)
My favorite one is "The Reptilian Elite", hahaha!!! ;D
Be carefull - some jamokes on this list might believe these theories !
--- M
The Internet has given those of us who study Conspiracy Theory subjects /enormous/ resources - in effect, a better reference library than could be assembled in a decade at our fingertips nearly free of charge, along with Yuge searchable archives of primary source materials and scientific/technical references. But alas: The Internet gives the folks who grind out disinformation for the Conspiracy Beliefs market, including both independent operators and subsidized shops like Infowars, a massive new audience of gullible suckers. Those suckers are really just normal people who are desperate to make sense of the world around them but don't have any relevant information or a clue where to start. In today's market, what I call real Conspiracy Theory has to compete for eyeballs with Conspiracy Belief narratives that present e-z explanations and promise quick fix solutions to intolerable large scale problems ("just tell us who to hate and kill"). Once a person becomes a motivated True Believer, it usually sticks for a lifetime. :o/