On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 8:05 AM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
the Sean P. Gorman incident not applicable as my understanding is that he received clearance and they built a SCIF on the university campus for him to finish studies and perform research in an official capacity for USGov.\
I don't think his work was gov funded and/or classified, and believe it was cooperatively self-censored,...
it started off as doctoral thesis done as undergrand. before year was out he did indeed "sign up" in some manner. his work was classified at or above secret. and they did indeed build a SCIF on the campus for him to complete his work. these are facts, and i've got a copy of the original article with Sean's description of the events "I was just this grad student..." i do not know the nature of the agreement; i do not know if it was encouraged with carrots or sticks.
... (JYA would have been all over that if so, and was not party to the media or quasi-gov consultations/releases). The funding part would be noted in the uncensored version of the papers, which also seem hard to find... ie: where is the canonical distribution point?
i'll dig up the archives later today... the paper was "sanitized" but the real concern was all of the vast and detailed fiber, power, gas, transportation, and other infrastructure mapped at sufficient detail for edges to have sufficiently useful capacity ratings for evaluation in the graph algorithms highlighting high degree, high risk nodes / links in the network. access to "sensitive critical infrastructure information" ever after actively squelched.