International Draw Muhammad Day evolves... Now people can join International Burn The Quran Day to Expose Islam, the "religion" that follows threats of criminal Murder and War against those who protest the physical book of their false prophet cult. Imam Khamenei, repeated by a Hizbullah bigwig, threatens... "The Swedish government should also know that by supporting the criminal - the man who attacked the Quran mushaf - it has gone into battle-array for war against the Islamic world, and has brought upon itself the hatred and enmity of the Islamic nations and many of their governments." "Meaning that if the Swedish government continues on this path, it will be categorized as a country at war with Islam and the Muslims. And you should consult what that will mean..." As Islam sees itself free to throw fags off buildings in their countries, then surely the Internet sees free to burn the Quran throughout Internet country. Remarkable that the Homos and Feminists have not yet taken up Quran burning as being rightly within scope of their protest movement. If they only knew that the Islamic Shariah Caliphate that they are inviting into their lands will ultimately kill them in the end.