On Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 10:21 professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
YOU do know there are at least two Nazi's posting a shitload of NAZI crap here don't you, deer?
Gramps and Zenaan. JFC.
Then don't get me started on that little fucking NAZBOL cockroach, James A. Donald.
Jesus Fucking Christ ...
Everyone knows I do _not_ respect Jim or ZH. Please verify the archives. They publicly hate me too. grarpamp is acting in a very strange way, I admit. He used to be my dearest pumpkin, but pumpkins are orange... :'( I do _not_ read ZH and Jim' s messages for years. I use filters to avoid this waste of time. And I muted Karl and Juan some weeks ago. No much patience for reading always the same things. And you, noisy spammer, are a nazi too. Goebbels Law is the last resource of an ignorant person. You do not know anything about me. Try verify it first before judge my character. Why is so important for you to be recognized as "Professor", Matt? Low self-esteem? :P Should I ask for being called a Professor too? Or a PhD? Or maybe a Doctor? :) I will always the same. Only a Ceci.