'Blackballed' Bailiff Who Reported Jury Tampering Loses Suit
By Y. Peter Kang
A Texas appeals court on Tuesday tossed a former courtroom bailiff's suit alleging Brazoria County "blackballed" him for reporting several instances of a clerk's jury tampering, saying the county had no control over the state-elected judge who stopped assigning him as a bailiff.
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Gunnar ✌️
Dear Ms. Bella:xNY.io - Bank.org finds the Executive Chamber’s responsive findings to our due diligent request seeking logo records for Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station as stale.The Governor of New York State knows what xNY.io - Bank.org is describing or she does not know what xNY.io - Bank.org is describing. There would be responsive records to our kind request, or there would be no records.Ms. Bella, are you risking your legal license in a systematic social inflation exercise?xNY.io - Bank.org gives the Executive Chamber to this Friday November 22, 2024 at Noon EST. or else we will inspire shock and awe like the Executive Chamber has never seen.I have CCd the honorable Ms. Letitia.james@ag.ny.gov, who may know what we are referring to. This Ms. Bella is far from "improper" as the Executive Chamber describes.Best,Gunnar ✌️--Gunnar LarsonxNY.io - Bank.org917-580-8053PS: Mr. SATRA, you are foolish to risk your law license, using your name against mine, Gunnar Larson.November 19, 2024Via Email:Gunnar Larson (g@xny.io)RE: FOIL no. R001387-102924Dear Gunnar Larson:This letter responds to the appeal you requested dated November 4, 2024challenging the Executive Chamber’s (the “Chamber”) determination regarding FOILrequest no. R001387-102924.1. BackgroundOn or about October 29, 2024, you submitted FOIL request no. R001387-102924to the Chamber, which sought:Bank.org seeks access to records and information related to logoand artwork for Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station:By correspondence dated November 4, 2024, the Records Access Officer of theChamber (“RAO”) notified you of its determination that to the extent the request wasreasonably described, the Chamber is not the custodian of the records sought.By letter dated November 4, 2024, you submitted an appeal contending that thedetermination was improper.12. DeterminationThe New York Freedom of Information Law’s legislative declaration sets forththat “government is the public’s business,” and affords the citizenry the opportunity toobtain information relating to the day-to-day functions of the government. PublicOfficers Law § 84, Fink v. Lefkowitz, 47 N.Y.2d 567, 571 (1979). However, thedisclosure requirement is not unlimited or unfettered. See POL §§ 87, 89. A requestmust be reasonable in view of an agency’s ability to identify, locate and review potentially responsive documents and agencies need only conduct a diligent search ofavailable records. As an initial matter, I agree with the RAO that the request is notreasonably described, as is required by POL § 89(3). For example, the phrases“access ... to information” and “logo and artwork for Moynihan Train Hall” areambiguous and do not provide reasonably sufficient specificity to enable the RAO toconduct a search for potentially responsive records. To the extent the request isreasonably described and responsive records may exist, the Chamber does notmaintain the records sought and is not the custodian of records of other agencies.The appeal dated November 4, is denied. This decision may be appealed inaccordance with Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. I note that you maywish to submit another request for records, in accordance with the Freedom ofInformation Law, to another agency.Very truly yours,Bella S. SatraAssistant Counsel to the GovernorFOIL Appeals Officercc:Shoshanah Bewlay, Executive Director, NYS Committee on Open GovernmentNYS Executive Chamber Records Access Office (records.access@exec.ny.gov)On Tue, Nov 19, 2024, 5:35 PM Bella Satra <bella.satra@exec.ny.gov> wrote:Please see the attached. The appeal is also attached for reference.
--Assistant Counsel to the Governor
New York State Executive Chamber
State Capitol, Rm 214, Albany NY 12224
Office: 518-474-1836 | bella.satra@exec.ny.gov