On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 09:49:18PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/43pek3/scientists-warn-the-un-of-... https://news.slashdot.org/story/18/08/27/168240/scientists-warn-the-un-of-ca...
"Capitalism" as in, that usurious fiat and debt based enslavement system's mathematically certain (and designed and intended when instituted e.g. in its most recent incarnation, 1913 USA) systemic reset. The only part of "capitalism" related to that is the proclaimed intention to allow the plebles to "own" property, and we know what a farce that proclamation is in ((("our"))) fiat/ debt based "money" system. Notwithstanding the relative abundance a few of us in "the West" live in at least by historical standards, the anti-constitutional corporatocracy and globalist banking system ought shift, though unfortunately usually such reset has the (((globalists))) take a new hold over "our" "democratic" governments by way of debt. Humans must wake up to the necessity to confront, to live outside of fear, to claim that authority, sovereignty and power which rightfully is with the individual. Grazing sheep does have its "no responsibility" advantages though...