On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 10:53:18AM -0400, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 10/13/2017 08:42 AM, jim bell wrote:
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades.
I am hopeful that I will have the time and etc. to develop at least one model for counter-attacking AP, backed by data indicating its practicability. So far my thoughts along these lines are in the "blue sky" category, and it would be fun to make a few formal anti-AP protocols and plug in real world numbers to see if they really amount to anything. AP would create a whole ecosystem of actors connected in novel ways; working out details of their potential interactions would be my kind of fun, unless the general ideas I have turn out to be unsupportable. Finding out my notions don't hold water would also be fun - of a sort.
Indeed. The first foundation of AP though is truly anonymous DC + transactions - if and when the first Assassinated Politician from a functioning AP project happens, without this foundation, the powers that be will simply track down some regular mom or pop, slam their arse in jail for (how long did Jim Bell do?) say 14 years, for their literally $1.50 USD equivalent in BTC "donation", and this will, quite literally, scare off almost all customers. And it won't even matter -how- TPTB decipher this person's $1.50 tx - they can literally trojan Kaspersky 'on the fly of the end users update' and blame Russia of course, whilst "leaking" the "fact" that they're tracking all BTC Tx (even if they're not) - i.e. parallel construction - it won't make any difference to the mom doing 14 years, or to the 99.9999% majority who will be scared away as a result... So end-user secure computing be the second required foundation. Seems to me we're a --long-- ways off a credible AP based "peaceful democracy" system on these two points alone.