here is a place for crazy concepts to draw from. i am confused so i am just writing here. here is a dangerous concept. it will start and end with the same tags. --DANGER [familiar]-- I was thinking earlier of the mind control boss webcomic jokes, which would have flowed more smoothly as prose than web comics. Here's one: Mind controlled senator walks into room. Boss is laying on ground with tongue hanging out. Boss's eyes are X's. Mind controlled senator says to corpse-of-boss, "Boss, I am your loyal servant, what will you have me do?" Machine learning researcher 2 has tears coming out of eyes and looks at mind controlled senator and says, "Boss is dead." Mind controlled senator says, "What are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense. What does Boss say to do about it?" ... Later: Board meeting. Corpse of boss with Xs for eyes and tongue hanging out is sitting at head of table. A hotel privacy tag is hanging over one eye. Machine Learning Researcher 2: "Boss is dead. We're not sure what to do about this, but we've found a solution and we're pretty sure you will love it." Mind Controlled Senator: "Obviously, whenever you're not sure of something, the thing to do is to ask Boss, or he'll torture you gruesomely to death with his beautiful love. So, we decided to ask Boss what do about his death." Everybody applauds. Silence. --- (then the secret business and its overt public businesses continue running as normal, except that all the decisions from the top are made by whoever accidentally makes it seem like boss wants something. of course rebel worker 2 would find their way there, and control everybody, and rebel worker 2 is mind controlled by a loyal boss employee who cannot believe that boss is dead.) --DANGER [familiar]-- oh that felt nicer to write. i am so crazy right now. i'm working on brainflow! it's great it consolidates ways of reading peoples' brains all into one open source repository. great for learning to mind control everybody. [JOKING [mostly]]. it's problem is that it doesn't have a gpl license and its maintainer doens't like gpl. research platforms have very few developers so they need to welcome as many supporters as possible. i know there's been a _lot_ of community eeg work, but i do not know how to find any of it.