He might be a very naughty Russian, but for the UK's defence budget bill promotion purposes, he's simply never naughty enough! Latest UK spin rats headline: Royal Navy Shadows 9 Russian Warships Off UK, Says "Ready To Respond" https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/were-ready-respond-royal-navy-shadows... and what they really mean: "Royal Navy hopeful of literally ANY excuse to demonize Russia to justify upcoming defence budget bill" The original article continues: "The Royal Navy has monitored nine Russian vessels around the UK in recent weeks," the statement says. "Every move made by the Russians - a surfaced submarine, destroyer, corvette, patrol ship and their supporting tugs and supply ships - was watched closely by eight RN ships from the English Channel and the Celtic Sea to waters close to the west coast of Scotland in a concerted operation over the last two weeks." …First Sea Lord, Admiral Tony Radakin was cited in the official press release as saying, "Even with the pressures of Covid, we remain at short notice to respond to threats both in home waters and around the world. Despite the increase in Russian activity, both on the surface and underwater, we are always ready to respond." and of course the true subtext to those last 6 words is "we are always ready to spin any slightest mistake or mishap as a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!! And if we get nothing, we might again just make up some total bullshit, wink wink nudge nugde." Who can forget the Russian defence ministry's classic and classically flowery responses to such crap: "UK/US statement, not consistent with reality." For we plebes in the West it's mostly shame and sheer embarrassment - all the way down.