On Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 7:39:37 PM PDT, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote: On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 23:28:41 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote: Ok, fair enough. Actually you can and should send the data not to any phone company but to some personal computer you control or some people close to you control (as TDS Zenaan already mentioned) And the whole system is just some rather simple program running on the phone. You probably can already get such an 'app' in the nsa-google-store? ;) > Make sure your backdoored phone doesn't detect your trigger signal and shuts down =)
I think a good dosis of skepticism regarding technical solutions is warranted, but meh... Ideally, you'd like to have a minute or two of full-motion video prior to an attack, and maybe many minutes (an hour?) of full audio, and something like 1-frame/second prior to thatBut 1 megabyte per second is 3.6 gigabytes/hour, and 3 hours of that, per day on average, is nearly 11 gigabytes/day, or 330 gigabytes/month. What's the solution? Don't say, "buy one of those unlimited-data plans!". Those plans are provided, and priced, based on the idea that everybody uses a now-reasonable amount of data, like 5-10 gigabytes/month. Not 330 gigabytes. If everybody starts using anywhere near that, the cell company will have to install 10-100x as much transmission ability, and that costs money. And, they will charge for that service. How do we do that? Take advantage of:1. Most people rarely get attacked.2. A phone co cell site probably has 10-100x more receive capacity than it on average needs. Such is necessary for peak moments, which will occasionally exist. Ordinarily, unused capacity is lost, and isn't used for anything valuable. Suppose a PBB (personal black box) transmits full-motion video, at maybe 1 megabyte/second, all the time. But by pre-arrangement, the phone co merely "parks" the data, near the cell site, and does not attempt to transmit it to "your" computer. (So, it doesn't need to use its own network to transmit this data.) Most of the time, you don't get attacked, so your PBB eventually tells the cell company, "We aren't going to need 99% of that data, so dump it and send maybe 1% on to my computer". The material actually sent might be 1 frame/second, maybe 1/30th of 1 megabyte per second, and all of the audio. This process will be done continuously. If you DO get attacked, your PBB may get triggered, and maybe it's be able to tell the phone co to "send all the data onwards to my computer". But if, instead, your phone gets instantly smashed, or sealed in aluminum foil, or shot with a bullet, etc, the cell phone company never gets the "we don't need that data", message: So the entire amount of data your PBB has collected and sent to the phone co gets transmitted and then stored on your own computer, including material that was collected from minutes ago, in full-motion video. So if somebody is attacked and possibly killed, much of the last hour of his life is available in great detail, including full-motion video for the last few minutes, and an hour of good audio, and 1-frame/second video for an hour. I suspect that there would be very few murders that would not be solved with this data. To be sure, this doesn't bring the dead guy back to life. But I expect that in the large majority of cases, it would deter anybody who was thinking of killing the person with the PBB. Jim Bell