What the cryptocurrency ecosystem needs to realize, is that the protection of the customer must be foremost. BTC is a great system for sellers and receivers, however there is very little protection for the buyer and Caveat emptor is not going to work as a scapegoat any more. It is time that businesses not only exchanges but payment processors, shopping sites, wallet services, etc needs to start standardizing proper security framework.
What we need is an active change in the cryptocurrency industry. A formation of a independent decentralized certifying agency, that can audit, check and provide policy and guidelines for cryptocurrency based businesses. It should be self regulated and highly transparent and should only work with business.
What this body would do, is have a checklist of requirement that each business has to fulfill in terms of IT Security, Customer service policy, accounting and book keeping, Tax policy (according to each country), Independent review of the Code being implemented, Approved hardware, and physical security and inspection. Basis which the business is given an accredit score.
The scoring system should be such, that it allows small start ups to improve score and not reflect negatively. There should be guidelines that businesses can follow to gain higher scores if they decide to implement those guidelines, the most important thing that the body needs to do, is to promote new businesses to start and help them improve on Security, Customer service and Accounting. These are the three fundamental thing that needs to be checked and audited. Protecting customer by implementing a rating system is what's needed at this time.
I dont know if this is viable but i think it may work.