On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 23:57:53 +0000 Peter Fairbrother <peter@tsto.co.uk> wrote:
The title says it all - Assange, the publicity-seeker, though to some extent [1] a cryptowarrior, went through all this crap to avoid being extradited to Sweden to face rape charges.
so the english fascist cunt pete bigbrother has to be classed as a 'left wing' fascist. His previous comment on the clinton cunt is also aligned with the feminazi mafia and the demrat party. bigbrother is on record as parroting US propaganda about the NYC US military false flag attack(so called '9/11'), and has lied about the flu farce in the most idiotic way, just like jim bell.
but we in the rest-of-the-free-world mostly think Americans are stupid and gullible and naive for letting themselves be conned by Trump
on the other hand 'we' outside the 'first world' fascist cesspool correctly see the UK and the US as the most despicable fascist cesspools on the planet and see the english pretending to be better than the americunts as the most hilarious, infinite self-parody ever.
stupid and gullible
that coming from a fucking clown who is a flu farce propaganda agent. "Sex banned for couples living apart in tier two and three areas under new restrictions" https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/sex-ban-england-lockdown-tier-two-t...