On 5/2/20, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Jim, You might be able to land some op-ed's with some of the cryptoanarchy related channels and media. If you have a webcam or microphone you might schedule up with some of the podcasts too, search for those on youtube, twitter, etc. They're fun to do :) I'd bet some of them would love to hear your story, thoughts on cryptocurrency, etc.
https://cryptome.org/ap.htm https://news.bitcoin.com/the-jim-bell-system-revisited/ https://www.idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_sukumaran_0604.pdf
This was posted there today... https://news.bitcoin.com/eric-hughes-a-cypherpunks-manifesto/ And this from earlier... https://news.bitcoin.com/the-crypto-anarchist-manifesto/ See more at... https://news.bitcoin.com/author/op-ed/ To contribute to our Op-ed section send a suggestion to op-ed@bitcoin.com .