On 04/06/2015 05:02 PM, Cari Machet wrote:
my problem with laura as with jeremy is that they are too capitalistic...
Wait what? The ONLY reference I find in a google search for "Cari Machet Journalist" is one lonely piece you apparently didn't even write for NBCNews, a Cattlepist(sic) 'news' source. Your problem is you fail to capitalize the names and you speak of them as if you know them when you undoubtedly don't. The latter marks you as a nutcase in my estimation. I truly believe, as the alt-news syndicated journalist <https://archive.org/details/tth_090220> I wrote copy, archived, and researched for once said: What you know about Journalism Cari, "could be written on the head of a pin by a spastic stone-cutter." Personally, I think you're an attention-whoring troll, but I COULD be wrong about that and you're just the plain vanilla variety.