TWO ain't enough snowflake - you wanna avoid the work required to build REAL relationships then you will not succeed. Men in Hummer with Guns Drive Up from Virginia to Rush Pennsylvania Vote Counters https://dailystormer.su/men-in-hummer-with-guns-drive-up-from-virginia-to-ru... Southerners in a Hummer with guns, you say? This seems real, for sure. Fox News: Police in Philadelphia have taken two armed men into custody near the Pennsylvania Convention Center, where ballots are still being counted in the too-close-to-call 2020 presidential election. https://www.foxnews.com/us/philly-police-threat-to-pennsylvania-convention-c... ... Buckle up buttercup - there ain't no shortcuts! On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 06:23:22AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
A militia may do those things that it decides to do.
A militia may operate in any way its members choose - such as in a hiararchy or by committee (snigger).
When the authority of a militia is opposed by some other authority, different paths to handling that are available, including:
- arrest and charging of those who oppose the rightful and righteous authority of the militia
- "appeal" to one or another court, in fact any court that you choose, although some courts may have limited jurisdiction to hear the case
- monitoring of any and all election events, locations, etc, "to the satisfaction of the militia" (i.e. simply overrule/ bypass any bullshit about "you can stand over there, behind the forklifts"
- any rightful and righteous task your militia sets for itself
Learn to live your authority folks.
Learn why certain powers want to remove your great second amendment.
Sheriffs are sometimes your ally. Know the difference!
On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 05:33:27AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
In the face of this sort of fake "official" crap from "our superiors":
Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit https://notthebee.com/article/insane-video-from-the-tcf-center-in-downtown-d...
... you may find yourself oddly inspired to join with others in a "local militia".
Once you find a few mates with a similarly good and healthy spirit as your own, you might consider naming your group e.g. "First People's Militia Of Detroit" hey hey.
Next make a declaration of your principles, video it for proof in case you and up in court.
Make sure everyone present has affirmed the group's foundation principles.
Next, agree on an action plan.
Again, video it for later proof of your good intentions.
Consider including words such as:
We, certain armed people of LOCATION, in our original jurisdiction, and in our original and sole authority, hereby come together as the [e.g.] First People's Militia Of Detroit.
We intend to bring to account what we see as obvious corruption by the so called "election authorities" as witnessed recently by Connie Johnson.
Whatever you choose, Good luck and God speed!
On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 05:09:51AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The constitutional basis of jurisdiction for the national guard to impose presence at elections.
The federation republic requires and relies upon, integrity of election.
Without election integrity, the federal republic is fundamentally undermined, in its existence, in its interity, in its very essence.
Election by the people is the fundemental event which creates the federal republic.
Here's the thing: The states have no exlusive jurisdiction over votes or over vote counting.
The people are inherently vested with some federal jurisdiction. Indeed they are the fundamental sovereignty giving rise to all political institutions and entities, which cannot exist without the vote of the people, and may not operate even in the minutest except with that jurisdiction granted by the people who are, who be, and who remain the ultimate sovereigns.
Put in the first person: without our individual and collective authority, no political entity lewfully exists:
- not the state - not local councils - not burroughs - not the federation, the federal republic - not any polling "authority"
In this specific context of voting, and vote counting, and vote count monitoring, each individual human is a higher authority than any local "election official" who acts fundamentally illegally, and or immorally, and or without historical precedent and in particular when s/he acts against the interests of:
- the voter - the state - the federal republic - any other entity arising (any organ of any government)
If a standing army or militia means anything at all (and it certainly does) then it is one particular form of the collective authority of the people.
Learn to EXERCISE THAT AUTHORITY people - not as an individual, not as vigilante, but calmly, peacefully and collectively as that righteous and upstanding authority which brings despotism to heel, which brings forth the actual, lived (now) authority of the people!
Do it!
Get in comm with others. Live your right to bring integrity to your election.
Without integrity in your election, your republic is lost, despotism shall reign.
Similarly to the standing army of the people, also the Sheriffs in their own right, and the National Guard in their own right, each have similar authority to right wrongs, to bring forth integrity in a vote, election, vote count, etc.
Bearing arms is more than owning arms. It is like baring /bearing teeth.
There is a time and place to live certain rights, now is that time, so send this to the people you know who need to hear it.
Without the people, there is not even a constitution.
Iy you, we, the people, need to, we can do just about anything.
We are the original sovereignty, the original authority, and the original voice after our maker - so USE IT!
You can (with others) ANNUL certain votes/ elections due to true (factual) and righteous grounds.
Figure it out. Make it happen.
Your president asked you to stand back and stand by, and to protect your great second amendment. Is now the moment to stand forth with others and help bring justice and righteousness to this earth?
Only YOU can answer that question.
You don't have much time left, but you do have enough time (you can annul, re-run elections, declare vote dumps illegal etc - just do it with others to be safe, and to be effective!
Good luck people, your nation is at stake and it looks from Australia that your president needs you NOW.
On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:21:55PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Insane video from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit https://notthebee.com/article/insane-video-from-the-tcf-center-in-downtown-d...
where the ballons are being counted and all Republican "integrity/ vote count watchers", whenever they leave for the bathroom, are not allowed back in afterwards.
Such behaviour by the DemonRats is strongly indicative of fraudulent behaviour.
When such flagrant anti-integrity actions occur, how can this be remotely accordant with constitutional principles?
Is such action(s) sufficient grounds to send in armed escorts of some sort, to ensure the Republican vote count watchers are able to watch the vote counting?
At what point are each of the armed branches of the federal and states, with authority to "ensure election integrity" in the USA?
Good luck and pray,