traffick boss 8s insuperprison for (being a narcissist in somebody else’s brain (mistake?))
he is studying thinking about other people.
traffick boss. “hmm … i wonder ehat other people are doing”
how about a frog!
a happy frog hops down a path in the woods when suddenly it stumbles on an iron or steel object with a handle
traffick boss starts shaking and quivering heavily
traffick boss (ringing hands): “i can’t do this! i can’t do this! how do people think about other people ever at all?”
frightened(mistake) fristrated workers are helping traffick boss do this
frustrated worker: “you did great, traffick boss! that bit focusing on a frog was awesome!”
frustrated worker: “here, have some icecream”
traffick boss: “finally!”
traffick boss eats icecream
frustrated worker: “try doing a little more, and we’ll give you more icecream!”
traffick boss smiles at the thought of icecream
the frog was surpised at the heavy metal object with a handle, and tiptoed around it gently, looking
traffick boss wants more icecream now
frustrate(d worker gives icecream to traffick boss)
(we hav (reasons to focus on traffick boss(maybe? unsure how stro