On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 13:24:02 +0000 "other.arkitech" <other.arkitech@protonmail.com> wrote:
Software updates are pulled like your OS pulls updates from repositories. You can find a number of devices at your home fitting this model: Router, TV, Windows.
people tolerate that 'model' because they are idiots. Especially idiots who buy a retard-TV and run windows. But the 'model' is also pushed on them, so they are not completely to blame. Conclusion : the two reasons the 'model' is used are stupidity and criminal intent. Also, notice how piece of shit 'developers' can't write decent code so they keep updating their garbage to fix the endless stream of bugs they create. Useless assholes. And in the process, they end up having complete control over, and owning hardware that other idiots, known as 'users', paid for.
I do share the code with devs for specific patches under NDA.
NDA? LMAO! Frankly, at this point I should tell you to get lost.