bumped into this draft 1326

i think of original content might habe related to nascent ideas around the emergence of communication in adaptive systems, and how this can hold a role of both knowledge transfer as well as influence (thinking of pawithij the same same system ie within the same system)
and how you could cast perceptions of the purpose of communication (for knowledge transfer, for influence) as being the other (knowledge transfer isnjust for influence to meet the underlyijg needs, infkuence is just for knowledge transfer to quickly discuss the underlying knowledge that would produce the action) im different ways; ie the participants could debate the purpose of communication and this debate could be done in a way that does not have a winner

from ideas like that one that develops that casts information and action as identical, and doing that bears interest because it unites the views, moves the analysis toward reasons and sharednesses of values and other things, and makes the translation between education and influence (if one prefers one or the other) much more thorough and defined