On 8/14/16, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
Giving porn downloaders false sense of security doesn't help technically illiterate users seeking anonymity. Especially when the "anonymity" is provided by the murican military. The onions write in "small print" they are useless, but this is not enough IMHO. The onions MUST make the luser type at least 2 times "I realize this is not anonymous enough against TLAs".
TLA's are not generally active adversaries of the average illiterate [porn] filesharer / torrenter and TV watcher. Once they get off their couch, get a job, school, free thought, ideas, and even influence... yes, perhaps they're a blip somewhere. Nor are TLA's, because secrecy, active peers of copyright trolls. Till then, to the extent they're not completely bare assed to the wind like clearnet... I2P Tor and whatever else are reasonably alternative network layers for torrenters etc to play in. Besides, if you hate Tor and want to see it die, might as well test Tor's dire theory that torrenting will kill it ;-)
Coordinated secrecy by gov-com-edu-ngo will continue to be the most horrendous fundamentalist religion and most profitable exploit online and off.
There's a reason why many people are poor, forced waste is one of them. That sucks and needs fixed... cypherpunks go to parliament.