On Nov 23, 2017, at 11:24 PM, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote: ... or something http://redpilltimes.com/peaceful-germany-descends-migrant-fueled-violence/ Once peaceful Germany descends into migrant-fueled violence … Statistics that are reliable on knife violence in Germany – where police been accused https://www.dortmundecho.org/2017/08/nordstadt-polizei-verheimlicht-messerst... of failing to report many crimes, apparently in an effort “not to unsettle” the public – do not exist. A search of German police blotters, however, indicates that 2017 is on track to become a record year for stabbings and knife crimes: Police reported http://www.presseportal.de/ more than 3,500 knife-related crimes between January and October 2017, compared to around 4,000 reported crimes during all of 2016 – and only 300 in 2007. Overall, during the past ten years, knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 1,200%. … You do realize that no one replies to your irrelevant hate-mongering bullshit, which I'd think would be a tip-off that nobody cares about, reads, or has any interest in your constant stream of vitriol. In any case - how do you consider any of this crap relevant to the list? Your thesis is obvious: brown refugees shouldn’t be allowed to seek sanctuary, because they stab everybody. WTF does that have to do with cryptography or anarchy? Are you saying that border controls are too weak, thus endorsing a more authoritarian view on nation-states? In other words, the complete opposite of the anarchist view? Are you just being irrelevant to be irrelevant? Do you enjoy talking to yourself? I apologize to the list for replying to your email. I just keep seeing them and fail to understand the point... I guess most people just ignore you? Saan