Something to be grateful for - days off, a load off our shoulders, somewhat of a stasis in our respective countries, a calm and a time to contemplate. Many years ago, weekends used to be a thing, in Australia from Saturday afternoon and through all of Sunday. Then the large retail chains lobbied and stayed open all Saturday, then later, repeated this process for Sunday with some stores in busy metro city areas opening 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Sabbaths were thus taken from us. We were complicit to some degree, most tacitly consenting to the oligarch's new regime, as we dutifully stepped up our hampster wheel trundling to a full 6, then eventually 7 days a week - working, schooling, shopping, working. Most of the broader Commonwealth of nations essentially deregulated shopping hours from the early to the mid 1990s, often making this appear "ok" by having "govt. applications" and "licenses" to trade on the previously unsanctioned day(s), "most of South America by the 1980s" and throughout the '80s and '90s in most of the rest of the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_shopping Let's take 1990 as a benchmark and ignore the loss of Saturday afternoons, but include every Sunday of the year: 20 years is 52 weeks worth of Sundays = 1040 days 1040 days is roughly 3 years. Now I'm not suggesting we aim to lock ourselves down for 3 years straight :) But we can use this grant of "slow time" according to our own wisdom: - We may do some of the indoor things we promised our children, spouse, self. We may contemplate on the wonder of life, the universe, our existence, meta awareness ("I am aware that I am aware", "I am aware that I feel ...", "I am aware that I may think a series of thoughts"). - We may contemplate the future and the type of world we might co-create with our fellow Souls - would we reclaim our "slow" days, be it a full weekend, an official sabbath, or something similar? (And note that mathematically, and also if you consider steadily roaming around the Earth from East to West only, and also depending on which calendar system you choose to use, whether your Sabbath is Saturday or Sunday is on each of these grounds alone, truly a moot point). - Ought we have a global debt jubilee? - How might we balance our duty of care to one another on various vectors (health/viruses, travel, speech, etc)? - In what ways can we begin to hold our governments to account? May your catch up sabbaths be fruitful for you and yours...