While ignorant Leftists stupidly bleat support with Islam going globally violent over it, people on the realtime socialnets have been noting that the Gaza hospital hit appears to be a Hamas/PIJ fuckup, not an Israeli strike. https://twitter.com/alihashem_tv/status/1714336121558126805 Videos of the night hit... rocket screams in, seemingly from afar the elevated side due to leaving horizontal flameout cloud streak. Jet engine flyby's don't stop, rocket screams do. Dropped bombs are typically silent and leave more circularly patterns and uplift. Could have been anyone's missile, but realistically, flagging a hospital in witnessed areas, with many people in the decision and execution chain, is risky business. And then there's the tale of the tapes... https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1714548529538953637 Islamic Jihad struck a Hospital in Gaza -- the IDF did not. Listen to the terrorists as they realize this themselves: