Since the US military came out in favor of assassination politics I have maintained or increased my support for it. Same with treating human-caused climate-change as a most dangerous threat imaginable. That is the sensible and correct approach. Such positions are right or wrong regardless of left and right. And even Hitler had his moments - ordering the summary execution of all captured commissars, for example. But you can't let your enemies define you. If they know you will do the opposite of whatever they do then they can exploit that to your disadvantage. I hate to belabor the obvious on what should be an intelligent adults list. But it seems some ' suitors ' came calling while I was away on business. Some complete fucking Nazi, moron degenerates, like Batshit and the Darkness. A rotten pair of carpetbagger, Channer-type Choats. We'll have to dox them - ddos them and destroy them - the sooner the better. SURF NAZIS MUST DIE! Long live the global anarchist revolution.