"... It is basically axiomatic that your [desire|assumption|hope|anxious craving] that "Russia will start WW3" is what defines you as a looney "liberal". ..." Putin only wants peace. A piece of Chechnya - a piece of Georgia - a piece of the Arctic - a piece of Ukraine - a piece of Syria - a piece of Cyprus - a piece of Malta. "... In short, the Western "liberal" seeks an external "other" (which must be 'evil') to reflexively oppose..." I am an anarchist - but whatever. You oppose Western liberal democracy, obviously. "... Because without opposition, the Liberal cause in essence ceases to exist. Which is an intolerable outcome for the "liberal": the "liberal" winning (subjugation of all "others") must continue at any cost, there MUST be some "illiberal" enemy to oppose, at all times! Everyone who fails to understand this must be eliminated, get out of the way of the looney "liberal's" extermination of all others plan..." I assume this is related to Marxist GovCorp conspiracy theory.