ZeroWedgie's foundation facts series continues... cue hysterical lefty screeching on the Internet :D Are We Really Free? Maybe It's Time For A Personal Declaration Of Independence https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-06/are-we-really-free-maybe-its-time-... https://www.theorganicprepper.com/personal-declaration-of-independence/ You never own your home outright, even when the mortgage is paid off... The same thing with your car... On a regular basis, you must pay a fee and ask the government for permission to do any number of things... Permits and licenses are big revenue generators from start to finish – and if you proceed without asking permission, they will extort more money from you in the form of fines... There are places in our nation where you can’t use your property the way you want... ... The bottom line is, some places in the United States are freer than others, but we’re all still serfs paying fealty to lords. ...