On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 11:48:33 -0800 Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
Scientific American @sciam calling Juan. "You don't know as much as you think":
"New research suggests that people who think they are experts tend to fall into the trap of overclaiming"
But you prolly reject that b/c 'booshie-sci", and besides, you know better.
Congrats Razer. You used a time honored commie/fascist tactic. Invoking 'science' to 'prove' that there's something wrong with people you can't refute. Yes Razer, nothing says 'anarchist' like parroting pseudo scientific garbage from the establishment. You truly are a master of anarchism. A real free thinker. Free as in free refills. "New research suggests that people who think they are experts tend to fall into the trap of overclaiming" Does that claim include your 'intellectual' masters, the scientists themselves? Well, maybe they don't just think they are 'experts', They truly are!