nitter Logo Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Nonpartisan strategic advocacy for #UAP awareness DM for secure coms info. #UFOTwitter USA Joined August 2020 Tweets 1,295 Following 598 Followers 6,613 Likes 3,476 54 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Pinned Tweet Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 17 Dec 2020 I applaud @JohnBrennan for telling the truth about #UAP #UFO, without actually saying it. We need more journalists fighting for transparency on this subject. Kudos to @tylercowen Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 17 Dec 2020 BIG STATEMENT today from Fmr. CIA Director @JohnBrennan to @tylercowen: "I think some of the phenomena that we're gonna be seeing continues to be unexplained... [1/2] Show this thread 38 116 16 403 19,047 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 6h Q: Why is it so urgent that we move swiftly, right now, to investigate these UAP RD&E programs? A: It doesn't take long to build a new shack. @marcorubio @MarkWarner @SenGillibrand @RepAndreCarson @realannapaulina @timburchett 7 44 1 106 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h 🧵 Dear @julianbarnes: Rumors abound that you are working on a piece about Dave Grusch and allegations of non-human technology R&D programs. I do not know whether these rumors are true. If they are, before you publish a piece towing the Pentagon’s line on UAP... (Cont'd) > 38 175 34 530 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h there are some things you should know. 1) AARO has nothing to do with Dave Grusch’s story. If you are writing about AARO, you are missing the mark, unless you accurately report that AARO has not received access to the programs Mr. Grusch reported to Congress. (Cont'd) > 3 35 252 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h 2) AARO lacks Title 50 authority and the necessary tickets to investigate this subject. 3) When Gough says, “To date, AARO has found no verifiable evidence etc, etc…” while grossly misleading, it is sadly true. AARO can’t find or verify anything because AARO’s leader (Cont'd) > 2 31 252 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h is an HQE (‘highly-qualified expert’, meaning he has zero power to direct or investigate anything). This is by design. OUSD(I&S) does not want AARO to have Title 50 authorities; rather, they want to continue saying, “We can’t verify anything!” w/out perjuring themselves. (Cont'd) 2 28 2 243 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h 4) Dave Grusch is not alone. How many senior intelligence officials have you spoken with who have been involved in these programs? They’re out there if you can pull off some good ole gumshoe journalism work! Perhaps before taking the word of individuals with... (Cont'd) > 2 25 226 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h plausible deniability and no knowledge whatsoever of these programs, take a page out of @shellenberger book, and cultivate sources who do. 5) Know that it is painfully obvious when you do not make an effort to speak with current and former USG officials who have... (Cont'd) > 3 23 203 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h been involved with these programs. They redline half of your reporting and chuckle to themselves because you misunderstand the way these programs have operated for decades. I am not asking you to blindly believe them; I am simply pointing out that your lack of knowledge (Cont'd) 1 22 1 196 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h is glaring, and the net result - rightly or wrongly - is that your reporting seems to have a nefarious agenda. 6) Finally, You are an incredible reporter. You’ve done great work covering many vital NatSec matters. Good journalism now means reporting that we lack... (Cont'd) 1 21 190 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h a competent oversight body granted any & all necessary authorities to investigate these claims of crash retrieval & reverse engineering efforts. One’s personal beliefs are entirely irrelevant. The American people want answers. Most believe there are SAPs which hide them. (Cont'd) 1 24 205 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF 9h This issue will never be put to bed by downplaying it. It must be subjected to unencumbered, unbridled followthrough. The stakes are too high, and we must restore faith in our institutions. //END 12 31 2 286 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 10 Timely…. “I would caution people against thinking that any revelation by itself, no matter how spectacular — how amazing, how shocking, and extraordinary it is — would necessarily evoke a reaction, from the media or Congress, or that people will react to it…” Franc 🇬🇧🇺🇸🆎🇪🇦 @FrancMilburn Jun 10 “The need for whistleblowing in my area of so-called national security is that we have a secret foreign policy, which has been very successfully kept secret and essentially mythical,” he says. “I’m saying there’s never been more ne…lnkd.in/dXVk9KFJ lnkd.in/dHT4xd94 6 23 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 9 Yes Science Bob McGwier @BobMcGwier_N4HY Jun 8 I am sick of news pundits talking US government not being able to keep a secret as big as UFOs. They did not keep the secret. It was constantly leaked and the leakers and those that listened to them were destroyed to the extent possible by people like Philip Klass, and buying… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 1 16 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 8 “I think some of the phenomena that we're gonna be seeing… could involve some sort of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.” -Fmr. CIA Director @JohnBrennan 9 55 3 229 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 8 piped.kavin.rocks/LMwheQC5Yhs TWELVE Alien Craft In US Possession Per Multiple Whistleblowers |... Krystal and Saagar discuss new reports from whistleblowers that the US government is in possession of multiple alien space crafts.To become a Breaking Points... youtube.com 1 8 23 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 8 Urgent and accurate. @MarkWarner @SenGillibrand @marcorubio @HouseIntel we need to address this now, in public. Michael Shellenberger @shellenberger Jun 7 The Pentagon says there's no credible evidence of alien spacecraft, but several military and intelligence contractors with inside information say there is. What's more, these insiders say, U.S. military and intelligence agencies are refusing to provide the evidence to Congress. Show this thread 7 30 2 111 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 7 It’s not just DoD who needs to be asked. Primary stakeholders involve Title 50 authorities (DNI & the IC). Didn’t @DoD_AARO say they aren’t operating with Title 50 authorities? Hmm… That would explain a lot. Ross Coulthart @rosscoulthart Jun 7 As @ChrisUKSharp correctly points out in this article, AARO does not speak for the entire @DeptofDefense. Gough's 'ET denial' was only on behalf of @DoD_AARO not the DoD. Journalists need to ask the Pentagon more carefully, does it categorically deny knowledge of NHI? 4 23 3 69 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 7 Bravo, @realannapaulina and @timburchett. Other whistleblowers are waiting on the sidelines, and with your support, they will come forward, and we can finally get to the bottom of this. Anna Paulina Luna @realannapaulina Jun 7 Thank you @RepJamesComer ! Very happy to announce @RepTimBurchett and myself will be working with the @GOPoversight team to lead out the investigation into UAPs (UFOs). 1 16 65 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 7 Write your Congressperson(s). They need to know how important this is. Our voices *truly* shape what Congress will devote their attention to. 6 24 4 85 Rogue UAPTF @RogueUAPTF Jun 7 Preach Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr Jun 7 Another conspiracy theory that turned out to be true. I guess Men in Black got it right. thedebrief.org/intelligence-… Show this thread 2 17 Load more