AI, Censorship and Social Steering Technology Fronts are apparently all up in your "Free Democracy", lol... "Defeat Disinfo will utilize "artificial intelligence and network analysis to "intervene" by "identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country - in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president. An anti-Trump Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal. The initiative is run by Curtis Hougland, who received initial funding for the technology from DARPA, the Pentagon's research arm" The Joe Biden campaign will circulate a petition and an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief, to change the company's hands-off approach to political speech. The campaign will urge its supporters to push the social media giant to strengthen its rules against misinformation and harmful comments... [harmful to Democrats].