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From: <noreply@its.ny.gov>
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 11:57 AM
Subject: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY
To: <G@xny.io>

Thank you for submitting your FOIL request through Open FOIL NY. 

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Records Requested From
Department of Financial Services
New York State Insurance Fund
Division of Human Rights
Short Title
NAACP, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and PayPal Collusion
Dear Madam or Sir: We would like to receive any and all records concerning NAACP, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and PayPal collusion, where facts and figures beg the question of coordinated systematic racism associated with PayPal's conditional Bitlicense award. We would like to receive any records that would indicate NY-DFS' insights into both PayPal and Wells Fargo partnering to organize a clear scheme to profit off of New York's minority population (according to the details below). We would like to receive any and all records that indicate New York State NOT choosing to ignore the relevant facts associated with this matter. Furthermore, we would like to receive any and all records that indicate the New York State Retirement Fund is not being leveraged as a key investor in the associated scheme. Below kindly find detail that supports this records request: *March 11, 2022:* Bloomberg reported that Wells Fargo approved fewer than half of Black applicants were approved by the biggest bank mortgage lender: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-wells-fargo-black-home-loan-refinancing/ *August 19, 2021:* Wells Fargo Launches Passive Bitcoin Fund for Wealthy Clients, minority and low income clients excluded: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/wells-fargo-launches-passive-bitcoin-fund-for-wealthy-clients-2021-08-19 *October 22, 2020: *PayPal first to receive NY conditional virtual currency 'Bitlicense.' PayPal Inc. became the first firm to receive a conditional virtual currency license from the New York State Department of Financial Services*: * https://today.westlaw.com/Document/Ib5cd5e2f149c11ebbea4f0dc9fb69570/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&VR=3.0&RS=cblt1.0 *July 23, 2021, Wells Fargo Stock Ownership: * Ownership (NYS:WFC) Total Shares Outstanding 13F Ownership # of 13 Holders Insider Ownership 4,107,998,274.00 77.05% 2,062.00 0.12% Top 10 13F Holders 13F Holders % Total Shares Held % of Portfolio Trend Prev. 8 Quarters Current Shares Market Value (B), USD New York State Common Retirement Fund 0.26% 0.46% 10,617,151 $414.81M New York State Teachers Retirement System 0.13% 0.44% 5,219,084 $203.91M Bank of New York Mellon Corp 0.77% 0.25% 31,624,345 $1.24B *July 23, 2021, PayPal Stock Ownership: * Ownership (NAS:PYPL) Total Shares Outstanding 13F Ownership # of 13 Holders Insider Ownership 1,174,728,054.00 86.69% 2,661.00 6.11% Top 10 13F Holders 13F Holders % Total Shares Held % of Portfolio Trend Prev. 8 Quarters Current Shares Market Value (B), USD Bank of New York Mellon Corp 0.97% 0.57% 11,452,187 $2.78B Goldman Sachs Group Inc 0.64% 0.46% 7,554,169 $1.83B Wells Fargo & Co 0.64% 0.41% 7,465,572 $1.81B New York State Common Retirement Fund 0.20% 0.62% 2,317,196 $562.71M New York State Teachers Retirement System 0.13% 0.80% 1,521,757 $369.54M
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Your FOIL request has been forwarded to the organization(s) you selected, and the respective Records Access Officer will contact you directly for further processing of your request. Please allow up to five business days for such communication(s). For your convenience, here is additional contact information:

Department of Financial Services
One State Street
20th Floor
New York, NY 10004

New York State Insurance Fund
199 Church Street

New York, NY 10007

Division of Human Rights
One Fordham Plaza
4th Floor
New York, NY 10458

Gunnar Larson - xNY.io | Bank.org
MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)

New York, New York 10001