Lockdowns Drove 60,000 Children In UK To Clinical Depression; Study Finds https://summit.news/2022/04/28/study-lockdowns-drove-60000-children-in-uk-to... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/04/25/hepatitis-surge-leaves-one-child... https://summit.news/2022/04/26/outbreak-of-hepatitis-in-children-caused-by-l... https://summit.news/2022/02/02/new-johns-hopkins-study-lockdowns-have-had-li... A new study published in the Royal Society Open Science journal found that lockdowns in the UK caused around 60,000 children to suffer clinical depression. Researchers detected a 27.1 per cent prevalence of depression amongst their sample, a number significantly higher than would have occurred without lockdowns. According to a report by the Telegraph, the percentage equates to about 60,000 extra kids who suffered clinical depression thanks to COVID-19 restrictions. “After controlling for baseline scores and several school and pupil-level characteristics, depressive symptoms were higher in the COVID-19 group,” the study found. “These findings demonstrate that the COVID-19 pandemic increased adolescent depressive symptoms beyond what would have likely occurred under non-pandemic circumstances.” Figures show that 400,000 British children were referred to mental health specialists last year for things like eating disorders and self-harm. Once again, the study underscores how those who vehemently promoted lockdowns, while demanding voices of dissent be silenced, were on the wrong side of history. As we previously highlighted, a shocking outbreak of hepatitis cases in children was likely caused by lockdowns and social distancing, which served to weaken immune systems, according to health experts. Many infants are also suffering from cognitive developmental and speech disorders due to adults wearing face coverings during the pandemic. According to speech therapists, mask wearing has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers. A major study by Johns Hopkins University concluded that global lockdowns have had a much more detrimental impact on society than they have produced any benefit, with researchers urging that they “are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.” A speech therapist says her clinic has seen a "364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers". "It's very important kids do see your face to learn, so they're watching your mouth." What the hell have we done?! End this cruel insanity. pic.twitter.com/DN6J4yQfju — Darren Grimes (@darrengrimes_) January 26, 2022