On 12/11/2016 08:24 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
On 12/11/2016 10:02 PM, Razer wrote:
Riseup's spamassassin is set to incinerate erections Shawn....
Don't they know that sometimes people actually talk about these things
without actually hawking the actual products? I think the spam filter
needs retraining.

From their FAQ.
Tip: OK -- one suggestion which actually does relate to SpamAssassin rules; don't include gratuitous references to spam subjects. Don't talk about rolex watches, sexually oriented activities or drugs, or debt treatment, unless those topics directly relate to your email. And if they do, limit your email to one topic at a time. An email which mentions rolex watches, Viagra, porn, and debt all in one email will very possibly hit several rules that flag it as spam, even if everything else is clear.


