on my end there were 4 bosses (i tend to break things into orthogonal dichotomies) - the real boss was the human trafficking ring overlapping with law enforcement, virus, facebook, mind control, military corps / fixer business, cointelpro, etc - the fake boss was will n, whom i never really spoke to. i was influenced to think he was the person hacking my life like organized crime. he barely knows me but was a known activist in the state and i think was in conflict with a member of law enforcement trying to get him in trouble. it’s quite clear he was a vocal activist and not a mob boss. - the third boss is me; this relates to the coercion, where you are forced to develop a personality like the coercer as described in the cult mind control book. additionally we were demanded to take blame for anything that happened to us or around us; if you wanted to talk about it, make sure you were the most guilty party. and finally indication i was treated as local leader in some way with how i was providing free housing with nearby anarchism theme etc. - the fourth boss is the fake boss in my mind, another projection of corruption aggressively casting activism as organized crime and profitable business basically there are ghost bosses everywhere from the real boss sending influences and ideas that he might perceive as threatening toward the groups he imagines stimulating them the splash of the influence may be similar to how an AI might behave if tasked with defining a cult or crime ring in an area or with a certain kind of person at its head, and then having it taken down. a lot of the subtle severe falsehoods and wrongnesses in the mcboss story are from that cocktail of projected cult patterns interacting inside me: covering up a real boss, changing things so that the boss’s victims are the boss, saying the activists trying to protect people from him are him, etc etc. [there’s lots more]