A place that seems relevant to me here is AI village at defcon. Not sure. Haven't been yet. I read in the news they were doing some important relevant training there. The article said it was upcoming, I thought early this year. I found and joined the chat and people were already doing things. I mentioned my experience in the chat. The next day everything I had said seemed missing from the history, maybe it had never hit the server. The history still had dialogue as if things had already happened, maybe a previous year? Later I looked the event up and it was later in the year, not early in the year. When taking trainings, it's important to remember that teachers do not know what they are talking about. Usually this is fine because almost eveyrbody learns from teachers or people who did: but with machine learning, computers are doing exhaustive research on their own. Researchers come up with theories and share them with teachers, who blindly trust them and further share them, or hopefully are also themselves researchers and come up with further theories, but nobody is going to have the whole picture. Only time has the whole picture. Always remember that things are being left out, that assumptions are being left out, that possibilities are being left out. Everything is possibility. There is always a way. On 2/22/21, Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
it's notable that public machine learning projects do not have information on things like this publicly displayed, for people who use their libraries for various purposes. they probably have not thought of doing it, or do not have reliable references for the information.