Congress demands answers about the J6 pipe bombs after former FBI Assistant Director admits that the FBI knows who is responsible. Multiple FBI whistleblowers have pointed out the devices weren’t operational and presented no danger to anyone. What is the FBI hiding? 55 560 19 1,205 @amuse @amuse May 24 Lawmakers demand FBI explain slow pace of investigation of pipe bombs at RNC, DNC in 2021.… 8 38 155 @amuse @amuse 3h SHOCK: We now know that the FBI knows who owns the car that was used to plant the J6 DNC pipe bomb but is unwilling to identify the suspect. Are they an HSI or FBI agent, contractor, or informant?…… May 25, 2023 · 6:15 PM UTC · Twitter Web App 8 40 1 102 Stormcommando @AStormtrooper3 3h Replying to @amuse John Seymour @JLSeymour3 3h Replying to @amuse "Are they an HSI or FBI agent, contractor, or informant?" A reasonable assumption until overwhelming evidence establishes otherwise. Senor Candelario @SenorCandelario 3h Replying to @amuse Is that a dildo bomb? Myra Fleener @myra_fleener 2h Replying to @amuse They can somehow identify every yahoo who was at the Capitol, but one of the most heavily surveilled cities in the world has no idea who this person is or where they came from. 1 GIF HB Harry @HBHarry69 2h Replying to @amuse Total fed op 1 JQhn TBIYTC 🇺🇸 @BlomeJQhn1 2h Replying to @amuse Not a conservative....thats for sure.