PM Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree about an upgrade to Russian surveillance system targeted to users of websites. It says that "organizer of spreading of the information" must sign a plan with Federal Security Service to install surveillance software/hardware with direct link to Federal Security Service, like it works with ISPs and other communication providers now. The details about installed software and hardware is confidential. It's not clear who will pay for this, but probably it will be resource owners, like it work with ISPs and other communication operators. "Organizer of spreading of the information" is a term introduced by Federal law N 97-FZ of 05.05.2014 (called by media "bloggers law" because it also force bloggers to register in special "bloggers registry"), it means somebody who make works something that send any information over the Internet, basically it's any website, email server or anything. That law also force them to store all logs about user's actions (even for anonymous users) for 6 months. It's not only Federal Security Service who can access that information, it's any authority who has the right to do operative investigate activities. Currently it's near 6 authorities, including Federal Drug Service, Federal Tax Service, Federal Guard Service and others. Federal law N 97-FZ of 05.05.2014 came in force on 1st August.
From the fact that Russian telephone surveillance system called SORM (system for operative investigative activities), SORM-2 for Internet, and SORM-3 for storing logs, this can be named SORM-4.
http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201408040006 the decree (in Russian) http://graph.document.kremlin.ru/page.aspx?1;3632115 "Bloggers law" (in Russian) http://top.rbc.ru/society/07/08/2014/941618.shtml news report (in Russian)