IPFS http://t.co/izE9l9VWqu

On Oct 10, 2015 8:07 PM, "Cari Machet" <carimachet@gmail.com> wrote:

There is no model whatsoever besides tor ????

Aaaargh too monolithic for me and also then why i have secure mail in fucking icelands

Structures like law or tech dont live in their own bubbles

I will send you some shit i found yesterday on tech but maybe you can find a raw new space laws can be implemented a new or laws can be fucked with legality can be fucked with

On Oct 10, 2015 7:23 AM, "grarpamp" <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 2:57 AM, Cari Machet <carimachet@gmail.com> wrote:
> Agreed but we do still have pirate bay

TPB is a long since sold and sold out third party joke of what it once was.
Moreover, Iceland, Sweden, whatever for TPB itself... it never protected
users, because torrenting protocol the clearnet cannot protect users.
For that, torrenters MUST rehome themselves exclusively to the darknets.
I2P and Phantom and even Tor and so forth would work reasonably well
for that against corporate MAFIAA attacks. But torrenters are stupid.
And it is the role of cpunks to provide designs for such capable darknets.

> and the drug pushing parasites

Yes, on I2P and Tor, lol. But note, save maybe openbazaar P2P alikes,
people are vain, so real P2P is not popular for them to do as it removes
their fame and control via their would be central sevices. This is why real
P2P hasn't taken off. Imagine a truly P2P Uber / Lyft... it doesn't exist
because everyone who thinks it up wants a cut, at which point they
are middlemen and not true [anon] P2P.

> Icelandic servers have a base of security because of the structure of law

Blah blah blah. How many and which treaties and partnerships, both front
and backdoor and silent, are Iceland's Government and country party to?
How strong is your adversary? Oh, now you have a problem once
you strip off the Iceland publicity bullshit. If Iceland were something
special you'd see them openly advertising forbidden hosting, not necessarily
for themselves, but for foreigners. And if it were a free country internally,
they'd advertise it for themselves. Silly laws, and mores. Ain't no bases

> Legal shit has ramifications

Real independant legal shit is seriously fucking hard to achieve.

>> > > John's replies appear weird to me.
>> > i find that understanding of John's replies is best achieved through a
>> > structured series of mind altering substances ingested, inhaled, or

Cryptome is a unique character worthy of respect and dialogue
should you have the chance. An honor it would be in fact. While
the technicals of cryptome.org and its parentage could perhaps
make use of review. On the other hand, they are uniquely Cryptome.

>>         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r-e2NDSTuE
