On 06/01/2015 09:41 PM, Gadit Bielman wrote:
The friend I'm trying to help was just someone, nearby-in-the-social-graph on Tumblr, who asked for help with securing communication and stuff. Their specific situation is that they're about 15, autistic and bipolar, and have both a very active and emotionally important online life, and very invasive parents who wouldn't think much before cutting that off if they thought it might help make them "easier to deal with"-like. I don't really know -- I just offered to help.
An autistic bipolar 15 yo kid might think their parents saying "Good Morning" to them is invasive. AAMOF I KNOW a kid like that. Just sayin'. Tumblr mobile is available from any smartphone, and the clunky web browser in a dumb ones, and you can make your posts via email from just about any phone or computer. I don't see that the kid HAS the problem stated if Tumblr is the issue.