Hi, We're trying to build a list of contacts to (city,county,state,county)-based privacy groups, to see if a multi-city coalition would be helpful. We have private contacts that we're hoping to shortly have a mailing list setup, so they can communicate better. Below is current list I'm aware of. There's many cities that I can't find groups for; are things really that bad? :-( If you have a contact at one of these groups, please contact me off-list! Thanks! Lee ---------- Seattle Privacy https://www.seattleprivacy.org/ Oakland Privacy http://oaklandwiki.org/Oakland_Privacy_Working_Group Los Angeles: Stop LAPD Spying Coalition http://stoplapdspying.org/ Oregon: https://twitter.com/OregonPrivacy Austin, Texas: EFF Austin http://effaustin.org/about/ http://twitter.com/EFFaustin https://www.facebook.com/eff.austin Texas: Texas Electronic Privacy Coalition http://txepc.org/ Texas: Restore the Fourth ATX https://twitter.com/Restore4thATX http://restorethe4th.com/ https://www.facebook.com/RestoreThe4thAustin New York:The Calyx Institute https://calyxinstitute.org/ Germany: list of local AK Vorrat (German Working Group on Data Retention) groups https://wiki.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de/Ortsgruppen Cologne, Germany: http://cologne.stopwatchingus.info/demo-12-april/en.html ----------