On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 20:53 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
gmail app’s cache does not have videogame thread
wanted to add psychological horror. where e.g. facebook logo is demonic ooze that takes over people/‘s bodies/minds and is psychically influential
it could be fun if done like unearthly thriller, tendrils [insert current metafaction][oops?] reach out of the child’s body and curl toward you and you begin hearing whispers of
slightly [different: whether or not s

found this 01-23 2000
01-26 1431 -0500

i am out of water and am in a hot area
i have some really strong goal conflicts, one wants to resonate with a rare community and other wants to deter psychotic/floating /body-takeover behaviors. i’m strongly funny around unexpected recent public social experience.