So First they came and 1984 is in full swing as most 'round here are well aware. So "Crowder" has been de-Shopify'ed, and folks are literally all "thus begins the slippery slope of censorship": https://mobile.twitter.com/CalebJHull/status/1136396656499466245 Which is funny as dog shirts of course. Thankfully 100s, possibly thousands of voices are pointing out the bloody obvious, for one rando example: Fuck of with your faux concern. Where were you on Anglin and Weev? https://t.co/GvVYTMeRfZ Reed it and peep: As Everyone is Shut Down, Andrew Anglin is Given Credit as the Man These Cuckolds Should Have Defended! http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/as-everything-shutdown-andrew-anglin-is-given-... (For the uninitiated, install "Tor Browser" or a Tor browser alternative: https://www.torproject.org/download/ https://vpncritic.com/tor-alternatives/ Good luck,)