And the basic idea of politics is to displace and replace all war. Yes?
I'm not aware of that? How about " War is the continuation of politics by other means " ? Clausewitz. Or - " Better Jaw, Jaw, Jaw than War War War " - Churchill
For centuries the words ' democrat ' and ' democracy ' were political swear-words.
Why do you mention one political party and not the other? Its a generalization? You could read it the same way with ' Republic ' and ' Republican ' if you want.
Now its the turn of ' anarchy ' and ' anarchist '.
Heads up. That's centuries old. No. Anarchism starts less than two centuries ago. 1840's - 1940's - 2040's. Come back around 2044.
If you can't stand the heat then get off the cryptoanarchist internet.
This makes no sense. Okay - " If you can't stand the heat then get out of the cypherpunk kitchen ".