------------------------------------- Some of these did not make it to the list. Retain this message as a reminder. ------------------------------------- --- Zombie Worker [reading phone]: Phone: [DictatorSoft: greet the panhandler and ask them what color the sky is] Zombie Worker [approaching Torture Victim Double Agent]: "Hello!" Torture Victim Double Agent: "Oh, hi! How are you?" Zombie Worker: "I'm great, thanks. What color is the sky?" Torture Victim Double Agent pauses, looking down, then looks up, yells something obtuse, and runs face-first into nearby framing used for painting. -------------------------------------- The nascent idea, is that when an AI tells you how to make things happen, it is leaving a _lot_ of things out. There is a way for the people who aren't using it, to tell either its users, or it, that they are being left out, and in various other ways call out it being used or change the situation significantly: without affecting its results (or improving them).